Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Eve Online Pirate Hunting Guide - How to make ISK by killing rats

There are a lot of ships in EVE Online, and go many places. The high-security systems are generally quite safe, as security patrols and several gun emplacements to protect itself from hacker attacks by other players. But if you want to earn money, not to be guaranteed. Want to danger. The danger stems from the possibility of attacks by pirates, and this will be your job to kill the demons scurvy. Argh!

PIRATE Hunting - Basic Strategy

Hunt pirates, ismust go to them. Pirates lurking in the asteroid belt that can be used in virtually all the solar systems discovered. The only place you will not find security 1.0. The general rule is that the low level of a dry system, the most powerful pirates inhabit its belts.

1st Jump to a system with many asteroid belt. 2nd Warp to an asteroid belt. Right click in the window for quick access to the list of celestial bodies. 3rd Look for pirates. 4th If none of the pirates there are, the next string belt.5th If the pirates are there to kill them. 6 Take their prey. Wreckage recovery if possible. 7th Repeat until you run out of ammunition, repairs, or send your prey. Go to the 8th station equip, place your loot and go and do it again.

Sounds easy, right? It is. You can do so much as you want, and until you get in over his head by a pirate attack too powerful, you can isks some fairly simple.

Start in a high securityexperiment with different types of pirates. If you have doubts about the ability to fight through the whole system of belts in stock, go to a lower security level. Remember, no less than 0.5 or if they stray into a reality very different.

PIRATE Hunting - Battle Tactics

The basics of hunting NPC does not vary much imagination in the fight game tutorial. We are the most important to avoid common mistakes. You are at the end oftutorial missions with a frigate. Stick yet. All characters above basic racial frigate skill level is recommended 4th This helps train your own destroyer or cruiser race immediately. This last option is valid only if the company access to 0.0 space. Destroyers to kill all the rats are perfectly capable of high and dry their loss is not bad, it would be almost as much as the loss of a cruiser.

class frigates (destroyersincluded) can damage the tank is not very good. For this reason, you should long-range weapons to use against NPCs. This means that the rocket and Caldari Railgun, Railgun and drones are (skills training) for Gallente, Minmatar and Amarr pilots ray laser guns. The frigates and destroyers mount "small" firearms and "Standard missile (as light by some players), so make sure you meet the right kind.

The final step is to choose the right type of ammunition. Look under "Ammunition andExpenses "in the market.

Railgun Hybrid consumes small loads. There are 8 types of rights, high-power short-range anti-matter-low-power long iron. You can start with the point, with the kind of statistical equilibrium. You can always improve a way to change your style.

For the artillery, have a look at small projectile ammunition. Once again we are presented with 8 types of munitions. EMP is the most powerful but shorter ranged species and its opposite isLead charred. Depleted uranium is the right to start on the road.

laser beam used crystal frequencies, multi-frequency short-distance, long range wireless. For your first battle, try the series. Crystals over time deteriorate. She is consumed with each shot, as other taxes, but must be replaced from time to time.

Missiles also have their unique characteristics. The four standard types of missiles have the same capabilities and performance range of damage. They differ inNature of damage inflicted on target. Make sure to use Appendix A for more information on the types of CNP and damage to more effective against them.

Once you land on a target (one of those red crosses), select it and lock it. If it's too outside the field, choose the destination, and once you approach the area covered, lock. Select the destination again and select "Orbit". Choose a list of areas (15 km is generally safe) and wait until the target is within range of your weaponsbefore the fire. You can also determine the optimal range of your weapon using the right click button on the mouse while in the area by selecting "info" and find the "optimal". You need not be the exact size, as is indeed most excellent. Above do not (if you can reach your goal at all), but lower than that of your ranged weapons work best.

After the fire opened, select a different subject and lock on it. Once the actual target is destroyed, waitstopped until the arms are to shoot (you know, have stopped firing when the weapon is the green symbol not lit), and weapons to fire the new destination. Repeat this provision, as are many enemies to their destruction.

taking damage

They are forced to take shots, and there are several ways to deal with it. Caldari ships need to focus on the preservation of their shields. Install an additional module to redirect energy shield against plate capacitor. launchers workbetter screen connected to memories, because they require more energy to fire. Gallente and Amarr can tank much more effectively with their weapons. That should at least be a bit 'weak in their laboratory Armor mounting hole. Minmatar frigates are fast and agile. You need a burner to maintain a high speed, hard to reach. This method is called "Speed-tank and working with ships of all races" at some point. Minmatar pilots can also armor repairers. OnlyKeep the golden rule of the tank in mind: Never, Never mix armor and shield tank together.


you do not want the channel to a new belt of asteroids, down 5 enemy frigates, and found that all your weapons by 3 loads. Moreover, charging will take 10 seconds, regardless of your ability and the type of weapon. It claims to take seconds, without reacting in a position to ensure that does not happen in the ten fight. used to reload all your weapons will receive once you have completed aControl and collect the loot. Also keep an eye on the supply of ammunition in checked baggage. If you go back to the station to run out and feeding.


Some pirates with ECM equipment is charged to them to stop for about 20 seconds. If they are not attacking the shields up to 20 seconds, you probably want a better ship (usually not necessary unless you upgrade at least one destroyer) or simply a string and when "are back.Unfortunately, running, and contrary to popular belief, jammer NPC, as opposed to modules ECM player can be neutralized by CCME.


Space Empire can be found directly from one system to kill targets. In 0.0, especially in a relatively safe, it is better to generate the pirate chain. You should be able to kill the rats battleship, this technique is not suitable for beginners. In a battle that lay eggs are mixed with other NPCs to kill battleships. CleanGroups that are not waterproof. After an hour, you should all battleships valuable asteroid belt due to the gameplay, each group NOC generate random, but replace the lost ship once a group is involved

Murder can be a lucrative career if done correctly. Know your enemy, know their powers and their limits (and themselves) and advance planning is key to most of your time to make some rodents. With a little 'discussion and some basic preparations, iscan begin to ISK significant.

pokemon battle Pokemon get pokemon games to play

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Monday, 29 March 2010

In-Depth Halo 3 Spoilers


Awesome way to the fire, three new maps, new VISR atmosphere and art style, rhythm and struggle, supplemented by the story of Halo


No updates in multi-player indicators of damage (noise)

In Depth Halo 3 Story Lines

The limited capacity, easy to die. They are used to destroy. You are in the devastated city of New Mombasa used to defend what remains. Assumes a new role for rookie instead of Master Chief, went as a new memberOnly for the defense of the desert, New Mombasa. Since there is no standard, as expected, the pension, a battle, a shock wave sentenced pod separates from your team. Unconscious for 6 hours to wake up to find the city in turmoil. Alliance forces assumed and expected that ambush unhappy soul. Your task is to discover the events to lose if that were rejected and the team.

In-Depth Halo 3 Previews

Mechanical problems and the measures:

Find articles(event view), tags (you start the next chapter), audio magazines (to reconstruct the events, and add the emotions), Night Vision Goggles (slow) mood, decreased energy, fight 10 levels when the screen is red wounded distort your opinion. Only goes away when your back is healthy, the levels of action-packed. Internet no match-up with other random players online. You need to be added to the list of friends.

Final note:

A must for your entire Halo story.Enter a different perspective of the Halo series of games. At least for those who like action.


Sunday, 28 March 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Walkthrough Part 1: Pallet Town Shenanigans

This is part 1 of my long-term solution for Pokemon Leaf Green. In this video we get our first Pokemon, and get your Pokedex from Professor Oak. I played games with whos Ambitchan Fire Red. Control for each case, his videos are too big. save more than stay tuned and sign up!

Pokemon get

Friday, 26 March 2010

Pokemon FireRed Episode 3 in Viridian Forest

In this episode, Adam, Weedle catches and moves on Viridian Forest, with some changes from the current team of Adam Lv.14 Charmander Lv.14 pidgey Lv.6 Ratta Lv.13 Weedle Kakuna Lv.7

pokemon games to play mywii

Tuesday, 23 March 2010

Pokemon Emerald Episode 33 Adam vs Giovanni

In this episode Adam has his gym last fight with Gary and another game before visiting the Center for the Education of Adam, Current Team Charizard Lv.50 Pidgeot Lv.49 Raichu Lv.49 Gyarados Lv.49 Ratico Lv.49 Clefairy Lv. 35

mywii Pokemon get

Monday, 22 March 2010

Zeth VS Champion Alex (Rival) 2 Pokemon Fire Red

Your opponent will have a pokemon Heracross and Tyranitar with a good level, and now it is hard to beat especially Tyranitar

pokemon battle Pokemon get

Saturday, 20 March 2010

Pokemon Fire Red: Gary the best

For no reason, I decided to take me in this fight, so here it is in any case, here are some things I would say 1) if I see someone say that I have always been my Pokemon to give me proof cheated 2) for Who wants to play online (not wifi, but the fight with Roma pokemontour.ipbfree Internet) At this point, a forum and many, and soon there will be tournaments and even fights ^ _ ^ Forum:. com and enjoy

pokemon battle pokemon games to play

Thursday, 18 March 2010

San Lorenzo - A great Italian restaurant in Warsaw

I speak from a place where the Italians and their descendants, as I do. Or even people who are not traces of being Italian, what so ever has never denied the kindness and the joy that is the Italian table. The actual game in San Lorenzo, because the principal owner, Gianfranco, the equally charming when talking to the President of the Republic of Poland (he) can be found on numerous occasions, the lasagna bites, until you talk to a modest score.

As withMy relationship with the "San Lorenzo" E 'dates from the late summer of 2001 when I dared, in the company of my wife and daughter to a table before deciding to take this place moving. My wife and I were hungry, so we are limited to ordering a coffee for me and a cup of tea for them, while our daughter (Paullina, the star of "The Little Opera Singer"), which must satisfy their greed ordered youth Tiramisu with his favorite drink, apple juice, to rise.

I likePerson who had traveled in over 30 countries have met many a restaurant called to face not as much as the slightest connection with the country "old" as the name of 'institution or that are pseudo-Italian dishes are served, Italian. For my part, I can not pretend to have suffered from the outside or even inside, what I saw when I went to the men's room, that an Italian restaurant whose owner has been noticed. Not that the interior of this restaurantwas in bad taste, was not the case, but I've also seen places that were, if not well-established Italian. I had even been to this particular situation, before I knew, with two stories, as I often, when he visited both as a clothing store for the part under the plan and a cafeteria downstairs has been.
The interior has had to admit, I was even more beautiful than him, but I was always curious to see if the owner so Italiansthe point where both the upper and lower saw, I returned to my wife and my daughter, who had already served to join.
Tiramisu, my daughter a taste of the real thing to be ordered (which can make me a small taste), but I need proof of the authenticity of this place.

The test came, stood as Paullina, as it was 3 ½ years at the time, and knelt on the floor with a toy car he had brought with them and they play as was the focus ofplays a man with dark hair at the table and said, "Hey Pokemon" because my daughter, t-shirt popular cartoon character. The man, whose name would later discover was Enrico Buscema, Partner, will be partners in the economy Gianfranco Luces, a man who lives in Poland, fiorentina, a Polish woman whose mother was Stefania Kozlowski, a Polish singer married and lived for some years back.

E 'was nothing special, I noticed on Henry until he sat downMember of the group of people at his table, the Italian SA said I do not know what it is, but something of hearing people speak my language in a foreign land that connects me to them. Perhaps aware that this person speaks a foreign national from the same place where I'm curious to exchange impressions, or is simply in another country, but it could be what I've always tried to familiarize yourself with people who feel outside the Italian Italy.

This islarge group gave me a quick guide for me to offer my time until the party was at the next table, a small part of A. A well-dressed man who was very nice red side was left alone to talk with my chance.
"Excuse me, are you Italian? Me of coarse, addressing him in Italian, which was a little 'catch of the guard, as in Italy, he replied:" Yes, it's me and you? ". I have this point, with all his attention I said that wasAmerican, but my father is Italian, as actor Sylvester Stallone. I also proposed to his wife and son of this man, whose name escapes my memory, because they have more than 5 years I have seen. We must have talked for about 5 minutes, when Henry came to the table and I heard about the Italian, comes from me and the rest of my family.

This was my first visit to San Lorenzo, who, like most of the materials that we never forget, especially if they are not becauseHit me back the following week, 9 August. This date is important because it was the 4 years before then my girlfriend and I have our wedding vows in the Church of Holly. Our daughter is 3 years old and able to lead by pushing me and my wife, he with us this evening released relatively late. A dinner that has all the delights specially Paullina (the restaurant a special chair for her) by somebest kitchens in what is known as Italian cuisine with new wine can not be other than Italian.

Good to Know One of the things that struck me during this visit seemed that many people did not even have imagined myself where I was sitting at my desk or walking around the place with my daughter, who I was. They knew my name, I was born a writer in New York but could not speak Italian because of my father and many other things I had said everythingman with red hair in the short conversation I had with him.

Another thing was the eye of my wife and caught my (my daughter was young then) the images on the walls of all the famous people who were already there. So the place opened less than a year) are the photographs of celebrities such as Kasia Figura (Polish actress, but ultimately, this collection of photographs has been expanded to include these models were visible, whichJose Carreras, Steven Segal, Roman Polanski, Alexander Kwasniewski (former President of Poland), Lech Kaczyński (current President of Poland) and his brother Jaroslaw (current Prime Minister of Poland) and many others too numerous to mention.

The evening was a real pleasure for the 3 of us for several reasons, but mainly food was Italian. The dishes we tasted not only during the night, but many others to follow the true taste of Italy and havewith intentions of 'flu that anyone who goes to San Lorenzo, after reading this I'm losing, in which all by name.

The year was 2001, which is as expected, was in 2002. This is a year of the World Cup has seen the greatest enthusiasm for the "Squadra d'Azur," as his fans in particular Italian, but not limited to the "San Lorenzo met" their support for what would be the failure shows that South Korea's first eliminated in the quarter-finals. It 'been abitter pill for us, "Brothers of Italy" (this means brothers in Italy, to digest, but also the Italian national anthem), to see our "national football" play 4 games we had a win with 2 defeats and a draw combined.

However, he was when we lost the true nature of the person who is the dignity of that, as we have never seen him take the child to have already won World Cup on 3 different occasions and with theI hope that's best for our days' Azur.
Another consolation for us was how some of the local TV station came to our beloved San Lorenzo, nationality who were living in Warsaw, after the World Cup. Me is the happiness of those who were interviewed on television.

As they say: 'It's always darkest before "dawn sense that the time to come to Italy, like last year in the" World Cup 2006 "held in Germany. This wasFIFA World Cup in Italy for its 4th FIFA World Cup in 7 games, like the last two of the most difficult of all.
The last two games are the hardest because they are the semi-finals and finals. E 'was the first of those games against Italy against Germany, the home team, and 3 times World Champion and runner-up 7 times recovered. The second of these games pitted Italy against France, who had won in all 98 and that the team that we had removed the 86 and 98World Cup and were beaten in the final of Euro 2000.

E 'was the way in which San Lorenzo was full of people I saw on a weekly basis for 5 years and that gave me the courage to believe that the enemy can be overcome. These people finally had covered with me through the tragedy that was the last World Cup, as Italy has.

The semi-final against Germany was difficult to see howWe have seen the agony he suffered two of our recordings, press the wood in overtime, but this was the moment that you could write the word "end" in an action of relief that Italy will finally break the impasse, l 'by Grosso scored in the final minutes of occupational therapy. However, the game was not over the assessment, which remains less than a minute later when Del Piero the back of the net for the German, our second goal, we guarantee a place in he would finddef.

If the semi-final was a spectacle, then the final could not be less than tifossi brave Italian San Lorenzo, some Poles, Egypt, Russia, is preparing for what would be a game of "The Blue" La France, the winner takes all. The place was full, of course, once again last Sunday, with tensions running high as the expectations held of the world champion for the fourth time. If the truth be known, II think I'd rather be nowhere else than in San Lorenzo, with the exception of the site of the final in Berlin. Here I want to celebrate or cry with my Italian colleague, as I did 4 years ago, but winning or losing friendships fade.

The final session began with us in many tables to drink our beer and our pasta, pizza and other Italian dishes, and as is done in the course of the game, a mistake the referee gives food for Francepenalty. Penalty that led France to take the first blood, when Zidane penalty kick to give France a 1-0 start.

We went to tiffosi Italian, but far from it, because it lasted a little over 5 minutes, until the fans of San Lorenzo was once again the target when the head level with issues of Matterazzi d 'a room. As someone who has never seen his country in a final can confirm that there is nothing to see, like the notes of a country and for us was special excitement as wenot be too far away until after the end of a goal.

The rest of the game, including overtime with a score of one, that leveled a series of sanctions that have never seen before to come in at least one World Cup Italy at the beginning of the past, but I I felt deeply in our days, that all people, I do not deny it has long been known.

8 Kick sentence, again with only Trezeguet missing for France and returned to Grosso (first goal scorer for ItalyTo provide disadvantages Germany) introduces us to the promised land, our 4th title was one of us leave with less than a title in Brazil. The moment of truth has arrived with a kick to earn a goal of putting an end to all and all, would he do? Our hearts were in mouths as we have seen great step of punishment that has been converted to practice sending all into a wild frenzy that the fireworks in the street, and party all night.
Italy wins the World Cup has been wonderful and is probablyThis was, no matter where and with whom I had seen (as in 82 when we beat Germany in the last 3 to 1), but for some reason I did it in San Lorenzo - just a bit 'better mainly because all these familiar faces were there to share with me.

pokemon battle mywii pokemon games to play

Wednesday, 17 March 2010

Pokemon Anti-Virus

ONOZ! A virus was found! FAQ: Q: How did you do? A: I do carefully what image. How many files were used. (I did, before knowing what the sequel ...) Q: Where did you find the sound effects? A: I have a site that I'm there. I will be back, but look. For some reason ... And laugh at the "evil" at the beginning of Killer7 Video Game (2005). I definitely recommend you check it out. Q: Why is the insult? A:Personally nothing wrong with "bad words. It 'just my nature, I think, and I'm sure not alone. Q: Where is Norton?" A: What? The legendary Norton? ... Just wait ...

pokemon battle Pokemon get pokemon games to play

Tuesday, 16 March 2010

San Lorenzo - A great Italian restaurant in Warsaw

I speak from a place where the Italians and their descendants, as I do. Or even people who are not traces of being Italian, what so ever has never denied the kindness and the joy that is the Italian table. The actual game in San Lorenzo, because the principal owner, Gianfranco, the equally charming when talking to the President of the Republic of Poland (he) can be found on numerous occasions, the lasagna bites, until you talk to a modest score.

As withMy relationship with the "San Lorenzo" E 'dates from the late summer of 2001 when I dared, in the company of my wife and daughter to a table before deciding to take this place moving. My wife and I were hungry, so we are limited to ordering a coffee for me and a cup of tea for them, while our daughter (Paullina, the star of "The Little Opera Singer"), which must satisfy their greed ordered youth Tiramisu with his favorite drink, apple juice, to rise.

I likePerson who had traveled in over 30 countries have met many a restaurant called to face not as much as the slightest connection with the country "old" as the name of 'institution or that are pseudo-Italian dishes are served, Italian. For my part, I can not pretend to have suffered from the outside or even inside, what I saw when I went to the men's room, that an Italian restaurant whose owner has been noticed. Not that the interior of this restaurantwas in bad taste, was not the case, but I've also seen places that were, if not well-established Italian. I had even been to this particular situation, before I knew, with two stories, as I often, when he visited both as a clothing store for the part under the plan and a cafeteria downstairs has been.
The interior has had to admit, I was even more beautiful than him, but I was always curious to see if the owner so Italiansthe point where both the upper and lower saw, I returned to my wife and my daughter, who had already served to join.
Tiramisu, my daughter a taste of the real thing to be ordered (which can make me a small taste), but I need proof of the authenticity of this place.

The test came, stood as Paullina, as it was 3 ½ years at the time, and knelt on the floor with a toy car he had brought with them and they play as was the focus ofplays a man with dark hair at the table and said, "Hey Pokemon" because my daughter, t-shirt popular cartoon character. The man, whose name would later discover was Enrico Buscema, Partner, will be partners in the economy Gianfranco Luces, a man who lives in Poland, fiorentina, a Polish woman whose mother was Stefania Kozlowski, a Polish singer married and lived for some years back.

E 'was nothing special, I noticed on Henry until he sat downMember of the group of people at his table, the Italian SA said I do not know what it is, but something of hearing people speak my language in a foreign land that connects me to them. Perhaps aware that this person speaks a foreign national from the same place where I'm curious to exchange impressions, or is simply in another country, but it could be what I've always tried to familiarize yourself with people who feel outside the Italian Italy.

This islarge group gave me a quick guide for me to offer my time until the party was at the next table, a small part of A. A well-dressed man who was very nice red side was left alone to talk with my chance.
"Excuse me, are you Italian? Me of coarse, addressing him in Italian, which was a little 'catch of the guard, as in Italy, he replied:" Yes, it's me and you? ". I have this point, with all his attention I said that wasAmerican, but my father is Italian, as actor Sylvester Stallone. I also proposed to his wife and son of this man, whose name escapes my memory, because they have more than 5 years I have seen. We must have talked for about 5 minutes, when Henry came to the table and I heard about the Italian, comes from me and the rest of my family.

This was my first visit to San Lorenzo, who, like most of the materials that we never forget, especially if they are not becauseHit me back the following week, 9 August. This date is important because it was the 4 years before then my girlfriend and I have our wedding vows in the Church of Holly. Our daughter is 3 years old and able to lead by pushing me and my wife, he with us this evening released relatively late. A dinner that has all the delights specially Paullina (the restaurant a special chair for her) by somebest kitchens in what is known as Italian cuisine with new wine can not be other than Italian.

Good to Know One of the things that struck me during this visit seemed that many people did not even have imagined myself where I was sitting at my desk or walking around the place with my daughter, who I was. They knew my name, I was born a writer in New York but could not speak Italian because of my father and many other things I had said everythingman with red hair in the short conversation I had with him.

Another thing was the eye of my wife and caught my (my daughter was young then) the images on the walls of all the famous people who were already there. So the place opened less than a year) are the photographs of celebrities such as Kasia Figura (Polish actress, but ultimately, this collection of photographs has been expanded to include these models were visible, whichJose Carreras, Steven Segal, Roman Polanski, Alexander Kwasniewski (former President of Poland), Lech Kaczyński (current President of Poland) and his brother Jaroslaw (current Prime Minister of Poland) and many others too numerous to mention.

The evening was a real pleasure for the 3 of us for several reasons, but mainly food was Italian. The dishes we tasted not only during the night, but many others to follow the true taste of Italy and havewith intentions of 'flu that anyone who goes to San Lorenzo, after reading this I'm losing, in which all by name.

The year was 2001, which is as expected, was in 2002. This is a year of the World Cup has seen the greatest enthusiasm for the "Squadra d'Azur," as his fans in particular Italian, but not limited to the "San Lorenzo met" their support for what would be the failure shows that South Korea's first eliminated in the quarter-finals. It 'been abitter pill for us, "Brothers of Italy" (this means brothers in Italy, to digest, but also the Italian national anthem), to see our "national football" play 4 games we had a win with 2 defeats and a draw combined.

However, he was when we lost the true nature of the person who is the dignity of that, as we have never seen him take the child to have already won World Cup on 3 different occasions and with theI hope that's best for our days' Azur.
Another consolation for us was how some of the local TV station came to our beloved San Lorenzo, nationality who were living in Warsaw, after the World Cup. Me is the happiness of those who were interviewed on television.

As they say: 'It's always darkest before "dawn sense that the time to come to Italy, like last year in the" World Cup 2006 "held in Germany. This wasFIFA World Cup in Italy for its 4th FIFA World Cup in 7 games, like the last two of the most difficult of all.
The last two games are the hardest because they are the semi-finals and finals. E 'was the first of those games against Italy against Germany, the home team, and 3 times World Champion and runner-up 7 times recovered. The second of these games pitted Italy against France, who had won in all 98 and that the team that we had removed the 86 and 98World Cup and were beaten in the final of Euro 2000.

E 'was the way in which San Lorenzo was full of people I saw on a weekly basis for 5 years and that gave me the courage to believe that the enemy can be overcome. These people finally had covered with me through the tragedy that was the last World Cup, as Italy has.

The semi-final against Germany was difficult to see howWe have seen the agony he suffered two of our recordings, press the wood in overtime, but this was the moment that you could write the word "end" in an action of relief that Italy will finally break the impasse, l 'by Grosso scored in the final minutes of occupational therapy. However, the game was not over the assessment, which remains less than a minute later when Del Piero the back of the net for the German, our second goal, we guarantee a place in he would finddef.

If the semi-final was a spectacle, then the final could not be less than tifossi brave Italian San Lorenzo, some Poles, Egypt, Russia, is preparing for what would be a game of "The Blue" La France, the winner takes all. The place was full, of course, once again last Sunday, with tensions running high as the expectations held of the world champion for the fourth time. If the truth be known, II think I'd rather be nowhere else than in San Lorenzo, with the exception of the site of the final in Berlin. Here I want to celebrate or cry with my Italian colleague, as I did 4 years ago, but winning or losing friendships fade.

The final session began with us in many tables to drink our beer and our pasta, pizza and other Italian dishes, and as is done in the course of the game, a mistake the referee gives food for Francepenalty. Penalty that led France to take the first blood, when Zidane penalty kick to give France a 1-0 start.

We went to tiffosi Italian, but far from it, because it lasted a little over 5 minutes, until the fans of San Lorenzo was once again the target when the head level with issues of Matterazzi d 'a room. As someone who has never seen his country in a final can confirm that there is nothing to see, like the notes of a country and for us was special excitement as wenot be too far away until after the end of a goal.

The rest of the game, including overtime with a score of one, that leveled a series of sanctions that have never seen before to come in at least one World Cup Italy at the beginning of the past, but I I felt deeply in our days, that all people, I do not deny it has long been known.

8 Kick sentence, again with only Trezeguet missing for France and returned to Grosso (first goal scorer for ItalyTo provide disadvantages Germany) introduces us to the promised land, our 4th title was one of us leave with less than a title in Brazil. The moment of truth has arrived with a kick to earn a goal of putting an end to all and all, would he do? Our hearts were in mouths as we have seen great step of punishment that has been converted to practice sending all into a wild frenzy that the fireworks in the street, and party all night.
Italy wins the World Cup has been wonderful and is probablyThis was, no matter where and with whom I had seen (as in 82 when we beat Germany in the last 3 to 1), but for some reason I did it in San Lorenzo - just a bit 'better mainly because all these familiar faces were there to share with me.

pokemon games to play Pokemon get

Monday, 15 March 2010

Red Pokemon Battle back

WATCH IN HIGH QUALITY agaisnt last battle your rival Gary. Pokémon Red (ポケット モンスター 赤, Pokett Aka Bishop? "Pocket Monsters Red") and Pokémon Blue (ポケット モンスター 青, Pokett Mgr Ao? "Pocket Monsters Blue"), published in Japan as Pocket Monster Red and Pocket Monsters Green (ポケット モンスター绿, Mgr Pokett Midori?) are the first two episodes of the Pokémon series of role-playing action games developed by Game Freak and publishedNintendo. They were the first to Game Boy in Japan, presented in 1996 and subsequently released in North America in 1998 and in Europe and Australia in 1999. Pokemon Yellow, a special edition was published about a year later, in each region. These three games, Pokemon Red, Blue and yellow are the first generation of video game series Pokemon. [4], red and blue were remake port for the Game Boy Advance as FireRed and LeafGreen, released in 2004. The player controlsPosition the main character 's air and directs it into the Kanto region dummy for the detection of Pokémon in battle to be champions and the champion of the region by defeating the Elite Four. Another objective is the fact that occupy all Pokédex Pokémon. Red and blue, the Game Link cable, which connects the two games together and allows Pokémon traded or fought between the Games. Both tracks are separated, butFunction largely the same plot [5] and, while ...

pokemon battle

Sunday, 14 March 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Walkthrough Part 59: Seafoam Islands, and Articuno

This is part of my 59 long-term solution for Pokemon Leaf Green. In this video I go through all the islands and Articuno Seafoam to operate in one of three birds of the legendary trio. Artiuno is Ice / flying type Pokemon at level 50 Articuno is very difficult to understand, but to save the Master Ball for later. With enough patience, you can use an Ultra Ball to capture, remove, and then about 20 or so with you. I want to save more than stay tuned and sign up!

Pokemon get

Saturday, 13 March 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Walkthrough Part 42: Hitmonlee into action - Route 12

This is part 42 of my current solution for Pokemon Leaf Green. In this video, I take the amulet coin and head of Route 12 This road leads to Fuchsia City is the town next I'll be able to. I played games with whos Ambitchan Fire Red. Control for each case, his videos are too big. save more than stay tuned and sign up!

Pokemon get pokemon games to play mywii

Thursday, 11 March 2010

Pokemon FireRed Episode 42 Exploring Fortune Island

In this episode we have Iceland Are you finished or nearly so, rather we just have 1 Pokemon to catch Adam's Current Team Charizard Lv.57 Pidgeot Lv.57 Raichu Lv.56 Meowth Lv.88 Gyarados Lv.56 Paras, Lv.16

pokemon battle mywii

Wednesday, 10 March 2010

Possible Pokemon Gold and Silver remake for Nintendo DS?

Possibly a false crawl was circulated around the Internet all the attention Pokemon Fanatic. This is a work of art with two scan-Box Covers exposed seems to be a Pokemon Gold and Silver version remake for Nintendo DS. Although I am sure that many fans were happy to see this analysis, there is still no confirmation about a possible remake. Other sources suggest that Game Freak) (creator of Pokemon video games bought the rights to Names Dusk Gold & Silver Dawn. Even if the idea does not seem so unlikely, there is still no conclusive evidence.

Pokemon Recap

In the last Pokemon (Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum migration system) was installed, which can be transmitted by a Pokémon for Game Boy Advance, including: FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, sapphire and emerald. This addition is designed for serious trainers who wanted to remain faithful to the necessary> Theme Pokemon and set a target for a catch-all try. There was no other way to get a complete list of all Pokémon, which, without immigration system. With the remake of Pokémon Red and Blue version titled Fire Red and Leaf Green for GBA, which could capture both Pokemon Johto and Kanto regions, as in the previous Game Boy known, except that transfers hours to ruby sapphire and emerald, or even directly in Diamond, Pearl, andPlatinum is possible. The transfer from the GBA Game Boy was not possible due to an unbalanced stat Pokemon. Apart from migration, Pokemon, Game Freak has the GBA slot is also used by other players to manipulate their old Pokemon games for GBA Pokemon performances set in some areas that were otherwise inaccessible. So there is now an opportunity to collect almost all the Pokémon to date, in addition to agreements with Pokemonspecific event Pokemon.

Nintendo DSi and Pokemon

On 1 November 2008 in Japan, has released its version of the Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo DSi. Date With a series of changes that are distinct for the many fans of Nintendo, is that he no longer supports the GBA cartridge. This product is not good at the community level Pokemon. Although the new features and looks were the most interesting, it would add a huge embarrassment for most of the PokemonFans. Pokemon Migration is impossible. Would be more useful Fans Keep Holding On Nintendo DS Lite, and the system of migration was operational. Many believe that the absence of the Nintendo DSi in support of ACS and false rumors and stress on the remake of Pokémon Gold and Silver for the DS, making it easier for players of Pokémon Trading makes the previous section, without migration. It would also be a problem for players to leave their GBATo test the games, capture or transfer of certain types that are not achieved by other means.

Poke Rap-Up

With all facts considered, it is safe to say that it would be a remake of gold and silver a nice addition to the series Pokemon. Me, a fan, I would like personally to one of these two classic remake. I have tons of memories with the games, but they also want to keep our feet on the ground and my hopes too high for what is basicallyinside, we all know not happen. For those who add understanding the items, feel free to comment and add more information about Dawn Dusk Gold and Silver. We all agree that the voice or not, the idea of a new edition is so crazy. =)


Tuesday, 9 March 2010

Super Smash Bros. Brawl Leaf Green / Fire Red

Another video that does not fight anything sensible, it is not a game of Pokemon, or is it? I was bored .. After SSBB RPG and another reason why the rules Lucario = 3

Pokemon get

Monday, 8 March 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Runthrough: Stage 73

Pokemon Leaf Green Runthrough: from level 73: Bruno (Wave 2) In this chapter you fight the commander of shame again.

pokemon battle pokemon games to play Pokemon get

Sunday, 7 March 2010

Pokemon Leaf Green Returns - Part109 Agatha VS (+ Extra)

HIS Elite 4 !!!!!!! Agatha Type: Use Ghost: X2 Gengar, Haunter, Arbok, Golbat Current Team: A contract is, how to get Aerodactyl in Pokemon Red, Blue, Green, FireRed and LeafGreen


Wednesday, 3 March 2010

Pokemon Fire Red Help

Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green, even if they are part of the third generation of Pokemon (ruby, sapphire and emerald), basically the latest versions of Pokémon Red and Green, but also for the Game Boy Advance. Games from the original red and green were in 1996 by a young company called Game Freak. During the Games a great success in Japan, it was not until 1998 that the games have been publishedEurope and North America, where he also had success.

Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green have followed the principles established and the mechanisms of all the Pokemon series, you must take control of a child or a child, traveling in a distant world, recording and Pokémon training, so to earn badges, and in the fight against the Elite Four. The Pokemon Fire Red Guide says there are a total of386 different Pokemon, the game is phenomenal, compared to the original, which was only 150 prisoners. Therefore, in all 386 should see a diploma, they earn more, and fame.

The Pokemon Fire Red Guide also means that the game is set in the world of Kanto, and there are 8 badges to collect, as in most other games in the series. Each member of the gym will be maintained and a fightvarious elements of Pokemon. Some use the type of "water", other types of "stone", and so on. The key to the victory over them and get all 8 badges on the type of Pokemon to use that benefit the fight against all kinds of them. For example, if you must use the water "type, the 'electric' type. A Pokemon like Zapdos or Voltorb would be a good choice.

Pokemon get pokemon games to play pokemon battle

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Pokémon Emerald Walkthrough Part 41: Road to Fortree City Pt.3

Welcome to the party on all 41 of my Pokemon Emerald Walkthrough. In this episode, we continue north in the rain. Hope you enjoy it and remember, stay tuned for more videos = D

pokemon games to play mywii pokemon battle

Monday, 1 March 2010

Nintendo Wii Family

I was a fan of Nintendo since the 80s. I grew up in the 80s and I owned the original Nintendo system.

Over the years I have owned other systems, but I still go back to Nintendo. They offer games for all ages and a great variety.

This is when my daughter is now 10, went home with friends and play their Nintendo Wii, I realized how this system was an addict.

Almost every day in summer, and there were many children in our neighborhoodAre lining up to play on the Wii.

I have not played on the Wii up to the reality of a property. In fact, I played until my children were asleep.

I waited a year after the Nintendo Wii is to buy now. I wanted to make sure that it is not so clear that something was going to die after a year.

I ended up buying outside of eBay, rather than wait and fight for a Wal-Mart, GameStop, or elsewhere.

To see my kids play the Wii together is wonderful. They also playtimes when to play perhaps too cold, wet or hot outside. Not only that, they work, unlike many other popular systems.

The first time I played tennis on Wii, I realized that people who are sick the day after complaining about not kidding. My arms and shoulders ached, but he was great because I knew that I was with my muscles are needed in order to be treated!

I played the boxing game with my daughter and I had to stop because I am traveling out of breath. Do you reallyExercise!

My son who has developmental delays Caleb loves the Wii. This system should play with him the opportunity to interact with other children. She has helped us work hand-eye coordination.

The games are based on age groups, are great. You are not really suitable for age groups, they have put in

My daughter loves playing the Wii, as well as some of his favorites, such as Sega Sonic the Hedgehog, Pokemon, can I playNamco Museum has Galaga (one of my favorite all time). You need to buy a Nintendo Game Cube controller and memory card, but it's worth it. I went to my local GameStop and bought used.

I was also able to some of the classic Nintendo and Sega (download game). It 'been a boon for me when I discovered that some games that I know that my daughters play age, I was able to play again.

The Nintendo Wii is for everyone young and old. If you read onWii to see what really focus. Most of the articles and reviews I've read on graphics and games, especially by young people up to 20-year-olds.

My future articles will focus on some of Nintendo Wii games my kids and I played. Some of them were mother-featured magazine just before Christmas.

If you're in the market for something that is believed to have with your children or grandchildren, and entertaining, I recommend the NintendoWii.

pokemon games to play