Thursday, 26 November 2009

Nevfxs FireRed-Walkthrough-Part 36: Sleepy Snorlax

I accidentally defeat Snorlax. Oh well. Also get HM02.

Pokemon Fire Red Walkthrough Part 20 - Team Rocket

The team goes into camp by the team of rocket and begin to fight everyone. Pokémon and all related titles (c) Nintendo. I played the game, I have not.

Wednesday, 25 November 2009

Pokemon Fire Walkthrough Part 19: Route 8

This is part of my solution after 19 Pokemon Fire Red In this video, I'm on Highway 8 with my new team member Growlithe.

Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Top 10 Halo 3 kills all time: Episode 43 (machinima)

Top 10 Halo 3 kills all the time: Go Episode 43 (machinima) Halo 3 for a full list of Top 10 Series Episode For to episode 44 or present ODST Firefight Kills Episode 45: ODST Mythic kills. Introduction Rules for the Episode 44: 1 It must be in Halo 3: the design specifications of the ODST for Episode 45: 1 You need Matchmaking 2 Requirements of Citadel, Heretic, Longshore, or machinima FOR MORE INFORMATION GOTO be placed on : ... Top 10 Halo machinima series anoj Episode 43 ...

Monday, 23 November 2009

Pokemon Hacks: First Gym Leader Brock

Yes, I decided to make chopped a series of videos with the major battles Pokemon. Fire Red Version

Thursday, 19 November 2009

Battlefield 2142 Review by a beginner

Basics of the game Battlefield is that there are two teams around a big huge map, try to maintain control of 5 specific points (flags) for sale. To achieve this goal, each player can choose from a variety of special features, and each team has a number of vehicles available.

Previous Battlefield games is about the conquest game mode, which remains unchanged in 2142, as far as I can judge. While there are some variations, the generalTheme is that each team starts with a limited number of times players can respawn, and more than half of the flags regularly as many of your opponents have exhausted () as well as the killing. I loved it, and eat only a very small number of papers in this mode.

Embarking on APC Titan Titan mode is basically a development of the conquest - You are always ready flags (now in the form of missile silos) to grasp, but this time I'm used to a tangibleTarget. Each team has a huge airship titanium primary basis, and caught fire missile silos at regular intervals to slowly destroy the enemy Titan. This gives a much better bar of your actions to get something - witnesses collection missile silo, a permanent tooth in HP-reserved for the enemy Titan. After inflicting enough damage on Titan, you can press the victory in collision attack from within. I found this action andgoal-oriented game much more satisfying.

Troops from aviation safe. Players must be aware of the learning curve on the battlefield very long and steep, exacerbated by the advantages of an unlocked (see below). Do not expect to set up and blast off like a shot-em-up in the first sentence may be awkward fingers search through the variety of combinations of buttons and everything must be addressed better with a little 'patience. Do not be too keen to connect withOn-line, there is a single-player mode to acquire basic experience, but unlike the small team games players are ineffective, are absorbed by the large number, it locks expected're troops cargo comments. But seriously, please stop having the means of transporting troops, damn it.

Do not leave the vehicle quickly. It takes time to learn the deaths very frustrating that seems beyond your control, "Favorites" in a carrier of a second before it can be done to minimizedives into the ground so that a vehicle, because it is a duty, which blew to pieces, but failed miserably in the tank free of leaf miner, walk in arms are still overwhelmed small group, or the sudden appearance of "back in 10" for no apparent reason, even in the console. If you are the original wish, rub your PC can control the game disc torture lucky bastard with a lighter and a knife, there are many of his joy,had.

There is a trend towards cars. BF Veteran often face this vehicle is much lower than the previous games in which he must have been really bad part. They are much stronger than the infantry, the (unlikely, especially for the demo) that cause damage to armor. While the full game, players can engineer expert in weapons that are much more effective for the purchase of armored troop carriers, is still reserved for the environmentobjectives.

What the goals are much more balanced to the point where a vehicle is a responsibility of intelligent design. It includes use as a targeted weaknesses in the armor, the places to clear mines and gun emplacements for heavy infantry classes offer a chance for others. However, the fact remains that you only have to use, without transport. If you lose your car in an empty room, waiting to be useless for a long, long time. Fortunately spawn areas SiloVehicles in Titan mode, and is a suicide bomber on-screen button class selection.

The most efficient vehicles, helicopters and hikers are also popular - with 16 + players on your team, and usually one or two for all the best men do not always work too often. BF games are often presented as a "sandbox" experience and, of course, players can have a variety of ways to find useful, but may also be that the restrictive measures in which players can --Powers of the vehicle specializes in a single ballot. Instead, the player must have in order to achieve the objectives to be addressed, use it, what a shame in the time available - then the number of medals available, may also assign the points (a substantial) release are rarely Goal Oriented it should be noted that destroys any number "of the Titans' medal, but there is for the expenditure of 10 seconds in Parachute (yes, probably should be considered a medal Halofree fall time ...)

With the large number of destinations and the people who fill them, the games can once again hear a scraping of a skirmish, which can be left to the reader, a bit '. It's quite a contrast, if you have a good leg, with well-designed team players divided into small teams effectively - team play is very rewarding in BF2142, both through performance and through the artificial system points. Games from other clans, usually on a pool of 8 players at most limitedMock exercises large clans, which in Battlefield. Clanning in Battlefield is often more focused public server, but - it quickly becomes clear that all gamers loose affiliation more regularly will be able to find to join a solid team. A good team makes a difference one game can make a lot of fun and makes a very fun game.

In addition, each party has a player, the captain can give commands to the team, as well as other functions such as movingTitanium around, called for air strikes or supply drops. A good commander provides the leadership and team cohesion, increases the probability of winning. Unfortunately, the situation is still attracting good leaders and commanders first highlights does nothing to help. The vote will finally remedy the situation, now cast as a rule, not because of lack of participation, which should improve with time.

Graphically, the pictures are very good and are responsible enoughprobably deserves some credit only if you are in aesthetics. * Each player can own ideas from different forms of screenshots, movies and demonstration, but it is interesting to note the performance is actually quite good. With a 7800, 3700 + AMD64 with 2 GB of RAM everything runs smoothly with high settings, which may not be spectacular, but great outdoors can be a lot if the server can have up to 64 players. I am, however, by a mixture of middle and lowerThe visibility is much better (no fine-tuning important to note BF2142 configuration options and the lack of widescreen). Both teams should be even easier to distinguish, for the infantry, is white with black and between white and black. In practice, friend or enemy is identified by the color of the name floating above them.

Creative X-Fi series of cards are carried by the game and the options screen that appears, you need to get the best sound effects.Stick with my old Audigy sound insignificant, but it is also difficult to fault. Gunfire sounds quite meaty enough vehicles ... motorized positioning could be better in stereo mode.

Lag can be a problem, but given the amount of things that are always crowded, have to use my meager 512K connection, I must say that Netcode usually not too bad. the game is not much "let the powers of courts, so that a small delay could have an impact onother games. Assuming a 32 player server, and my columns, choose wisely, the difference is rarely a problem for the 64-nonsense, which many players may get worse, but better than I expected.

I'm not a big fan of "experience" brings the advantages of artificial systems for experienced players to own n00bs much easier, so you can guess, I think that they can make durable, unlock a cover for "". In addition, a significant investment of time required before it can beVersatile and flexible. Some "unblocked" the weapons are much higher than those initially available, so the adaptation to the demands would result in a penalty. The concept works, but you get more rewards for your efforts and maximize the potential of a particular class is fairly simple. Round Crap? Least you need somewhere closer to unlock it to another.

For some great franchises, each new version brings groans from some quarters of the historical part. BF2142 is no different, withThe main criticism is that BF2142 is just a big change or expansion for Battlefield 2, a game that they felt insufficiently supported. As a beginner, Battlefield, for me the game is very cool, is not whether it is better or worse, but if the entertainment good or not. I can not judge the arguments on evidence that the veteran BF2142 itself does not feel polished and complete.

Printing admires the "almost 18 monthsDevelopment ", but this is a short period of time for a triple-A titles, and it shows. Many aspects of the game is a sense that needs a good six months working correctly installed. Titan mode is most affected, and all ' domestic players often stick to what they are hiding behind Whiz tracer float through walls, mines through floors solid, "injured" players come to titanium, which makes it difficult to revive. I do not want to moan about all the mistakes, because the Bugsbut it is possible via patch - most of which I am eating is just a patch already established, although some of these problems were certainly not gone unnoticed, despite being subjected to quality assurance.

A cynic might wonder if the day of its publication there was a smile or two in the offices of id Software. BF2142 and Enemy Territory: Quake Wars, two games clear of the competition, should be published in the same period. Id does not run in a release date of Red Herring, and EA are trying to build its first on the market?BF2142 was released, as announced, but apparently a few months too early, so that ETQW is delayed by several months - maybe it has happened, if it is not? Manufacturer of PC gaming, id Software included, in general, seem more concerned about the state of the platform for the fact that competitors games, but I definitely fall for such a trick that I put all my chips EA bet.

Battlefield is a cash cow for EA franchises, and milk, they drive. When you open the window, overlooking the famousalarming piece of paper, a brochure, Creative X-Fi, a brochure and an ad page 21 for a game official "Guide" (manual is 24 pages). When you install the game you are prompted to install the software, GameSpy, and if you decide to make it even more files on your hard drive and slipped an invitation to the installation folder in the Start Menu. So that you will be asked to register the purchase with EA for the release of their personal data and a comprehensive study of marketing. TheInvestigation promised a freebie - no free unlock, but the point is trivial.

All corners are treated in the pursuit of revenue for most games, there is a free, dedicated servers, but here the server operators have to pay for a license, if you want ranked Battlefield servers. It 'clear that these costs to their customers, the public server that the game had gone completely dependent.

The paper referred to above relates to the monitoring ofIn-game advertising, a subject that deserves an article itself. I do not go crazy about advertising in games, and it is difficult to grasp their subject in the eye, as it should be for the year 2142, during an ice age and the whole world into war. The ads are not yet activated, but there are a large number of billboards to find the probable location, my impression is that they interfere with something from the theme, but otherwise not find their way. Server host must be terribly painful buttocknow they are paying for all hardware, bandwidth, and livelihood (not to mention the taxes and Rank) charges are it is crucial for the game and also in advertisements for players on their servers? Consumers should ask themselves why they are bombarded with marketing and have received no bonus.

Copyright protection is further evidence of the emphasis on revenue. CD-are the keys to the installation and on-line authentication is required, which is too highrequire the DVD in your drive to play on-line. What is the cost to protect the copyright anyway?

Battlefield 2142 game is fun and interesting, despite its flaws. Make a site with reviews, assessments are divided into categories, and I had to give a good 7 or 8 out of 10 for all he deserves it for graphics, sound, games - all the usual categories. A number of other things, draws down, you sigh as you should be smiling. Granted, some ofThese problems are solvable on the type, but if the comments of the court BF2 player, I'm so optimistic, despite the promises. One may wonder whether this is a very interesting game when there is less emphasis on revenue and more on development.

Pokemon Fire Red - Part 1

Begin a new adventure for all of our childhood!

Wednesday, 18 November 2009

Possible Pokemon Gold and Silver remake for Nintendo DS?

Possibly a false crawl was circulated around the Internet all the attention Pokemon Fanatic. This is a work of art with two scan-Box Covers exposed seems to be a Pokemon Gold and Silver version remake for Nintendo DS. Although I am sure that many fans were happy to see this analysis, there is still no confirmation about a possible remake. Has other sources indicate that Game Freak) (creator of Pokemon video games bought the rights to the nameDusk Gold & Silver Dawn. Even if the idea does not seem so unlikely, there is still no solid proof.

Pokemon Recap

In the last Pokemon (Diamond, Pearl, and Platinum migration system) was installed, which can be transmitted by a Pokémon for Game Boy Advance, including: FireRed, LeafGreen, Ruby, sapphire and emerald. This addition was necessary for the dedicated bus who wanted to remain faithful to the motto of Pokemonand set a target for a catch-all try. There was no other way to get a complete list of all Pokémon, which, without immigration system. With the remake of Pokémon Red and Blue version titled Fire Red and Leaf Green for GBA, which could capture both Pokemon Johto and Kanto regions, as in the previous Game Boy known, except that transfers hours to ruby sapphire and emerald, or even directly Diamond, Pearl and platinum have been possible. Transfers from the GBA Game Boy was not possible due to an unbalanced stat Pokemon. Apart from migration, Pokemon, Game Freak has the GBA slot is also used by other players to manipulate their old Pokemon games for GBA Pokemon performances set in some areas that were otherwise inaccessible. So there is now an opportunity to collect almost all Pokemon up to date, shareholder's agreements with certain event pokemon> Pokemon.

Nintendo DSi and Pokemon

On 1 November 2008 in Japan, has released its version of the Nintendo DS Lite, Nintendo DSi. Date With a series of changes that are distinct for the many fans of Nintendo, is that he no longer supports the GBA cartridge. This product is not good at the community level Pokemon. While new features and new looks were attractive to the majority, there would be a huge embarrassment to most fans of Pokemon. PokemonMigration would be impossible. Would be more useful Fans Keep Holding On Nintendo DS Lite, and the system of migration was operational. Many believe that the absence of the Nintendo DSi in support of ACS and false rumors and stress on the remake of Pokémon Gold and Silver for the DS, making it easier for players of Pokémon Trading makes the previous section, without migration. It would also be a problem for players on their GBA games in an attempt to transfer or leavecapture some guys that can not be achieved otherwise.

Poke Rap-Up

With all facts considered, it is safe to say that it would be a remake of gold and silver a nice addition to the series Pokemon. Me, a fan, I would like personally to one of these two classic remake. I have tons of memories with the games, but they also want to keep our feet on the ground and my hopes too high for something that deep down we all know, can not happen.For those who add understanding of rumors, do not hesitate to comment and add more information about Dawn Dusk Gold and Silver. We all agree that the voice or not, the idea of a new edition is so crazy. =)

Pokemon Challenge: Secrets Episode 4

[Pokemon Fire Red Hack] Pokemon Challenge Season 1 Episode 4 The fourth part of the first row in the Challenge Pokemon Trilogy. Will stumbling across illeged Team Rocket member, and is fighting for his first gym badge! ENJOY! CREDITS and DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon or the respective titles. They are owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., and the Pokemon Company. I am not affiliated with these companies in any way. These videos are done on an emulated Pokemon Fire Red ROM ...

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Monday, 16 November 2009

Killer Nacho's Fire Red Playthrough Part 14: "The Lavender Blockade"

I wanted to lavender town, but some fat Pokemon is getting in my way. So, now I have to go all the way around with a super-dark cave. What lameness! Well, I still have some pretty decent experience of this video. Stay tuned for the next time I try to go through the dark cave to ... without the Flash! My main channel: rate, comment and subscribe.

nintendo-ds-top-games pokemon cheats leaf green pokemon

Sunday, 15 November 2009

Pokemon FireRed Episode 5 On our way to Mt.Moon

In this episode, Adam, the walk begins at Mt.Moon always a few new pokemon on the way Adam's Current Team Charmeleon Lv.16 Pidgey Lv.16 Rattata Lv.15 Pikachu Lv.15 Magikarp Lv.15 Pidgeotto Lv.18

pokemon cards samsung-verizon-camera-cell-phone

Saturday, 14 November 2009

5 Free Games You HAVE to Play

There is an incredible number of games on the Internet, and not very many of them are very good. In fact, most people would rather light to play in the pants on fire, as a flash game. There are several gems exist, however, and this week I bring you some of my favorites. Each game has a link to either play or download the software in question.

# 5: Echoes

Combine Asteroids, Geometry Wars, and some playing with shields and that's basically what you get. YouControl your ship with the mouse, and the ship is constantly shooting in one direction. You can rotate the direction in which the ship by tapping the respective WASD keys.

Giant meteors racing onto your ship again and again, like in Asteroids, the larger ones into smaller, after you shoot it. As you progress, maybe small blue enemies and waves of black holes, red ships in like snakes, and giant blue enemies get upset at you like heart --Conditions for a hot dog eating contest. You do not have lives or bombs, but a health bar and a shield around your ship, the less true with each other later in your horrible, flaming death. I know it sounds like a touch of fun and excitement! And is it!


Just as much fun as Geometry Wars, probably
Fun graphics and special effects
Good selection of modes
Small download size


May your eyes bleed
Extremely long start-upTime loading the game

# 4: Stick Arena

I would like this game, like a fat boy wants to WiiWare liposuction. The game is an online multiplayer top down shooter. It's quick and painless to join a room and if you do you do in a kind of real-time chess game of short-range, long-range throw and mid-range weapons, which will completely change your strategy depending on what weapon you have. The rifle kills three hits, but loading is so slow, every shot counts. The AK-47is fast and deadly, but you must be able to return fire, hold strafe, while still a constant target on spastic opponents. The sledgehammer kills in one hit, but the selection is terrible and the attack time is slow, so you have to use the walls to separate you from others, so you can jump out and surprise you. You really have to play the game for yourself to appreciate it, but I maintain that it should be released on WiiWare, it was the biggest game for theService.


Good selection of cards
Overall, fantastic gameplay
Easy account management
Fun System rewards for good grades


Community riddled with hackers who ruin games
30-second ads in between the games

# 3: You Found the Grappling Hook!

Okay, first off, is this game butt ugly. It looks like an Atari 2600 had a child with the delayed original Pong machine, and someone has the game for this system. Now, with that out of the way, I havehas to praise this game for its originality. They are a kind person pixels or something, and you can use a grappling hook to shoot. Not very surprising, of course, but the swing mechanics are pretty fun when you get used to it, and you will have many opportunities because you have unlimited lives (THANKS). Now you will think that all will try on this game until the end coming, but you will be pleasantly surprised by the "his surprise plot twist, it's what you think is the end of the game. I will not spoil allfurther. Play this junk.


Awesome, retro feel
Cool twist to the gameplay to about half the way
Indefinite life


The controls are unforgiving

# 2: N

You already know what that is. For the love of nineteen, George Foreman and a half children, please do not download the 360 version of the game. There is a free version online, with more than 500 fantastic levels. I seriously believe that this is the hardcore gamer's platform game of all timecreated. The physics are great, and the feeling of fulfillment of Beat obtain the values (after the game will be heated) is immense. I will say no more. Just load it goes.


500 steps
Thousands of user-created levels available for download
The best physics engine in a 2D game of all time.


Really, really hard.

# 1: You Have To Burn The Rope

There's really nothing to say about this game because it's only about 45 seconds long. I thinkIt may be the best 45 seconds of my life, gaming, however, and the end song is probably better than Portal "Stay Alive". This can be seen another "-for-yourself" type of game. All I can say is that after you play it you will agree that anyone who has not yet a real gamer. No joke.





So there in the list. If you are only a game, it will be the last. But you're an idiot if you do not play them all. No pressure. Give a few other games I mighthave not played me down with the comment system.

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Friday, 13 November 2009

Let's Play Pokémon FireRed Omega - Part 26: PokéSquirrel and Toxic Waste

I wonder if the barrel of toxic waste has something to do with Grimes in the pond. Also, I'm not likely never Pokésquirrel thing to explain, though it is tempting.

fire red pokemon low-car-insurance-rate-mortgage

Pokemon Firered TAS-Run by Lizardon64 (WIP)

What I can say against this course? Well, it's a good WIP in my opinion. Ignote the tedious struggle with Mankey against Metapod, but it was necessary to (keep him in Stage 6 This is where it learns to Low) kick. Catching a Pikachu was a pain in the a ** cause of the really strange luck manipulation in Pokémon Emerald! It seems to install the game on a random, how many steps in the tall grass you can before you meet a Pokemon too. Thus, for example - I walked ten steps in the grass - if I ine wait ...


Thursday, 12 November 2009

Wi-Fi Battle #300 (Killer Nacho v ximthatkindagirl)

Game (s) of this generation was the best eleven sets. Is Diamond / Pearl, Platinum, or Gold Heart / Perl? What do I do with it ... Overall, the Pokemon sprites do you like best? Be sure to check out my opponents. You'll be glad you did!: Take a look at my other channel, where I currently play through a Pokemon Fire Red: doing whatever, rate, subscribe and leave a comment. ... Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum Gold Silver Heart Soul hg ss HGSS dp dpp ...

what-is-private-insurance-mortgage pokemon battle

Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Wi-Fi Battle #300 (Killer Nacho v ximthatkindagirl)

Game (s) of this generation was the best eleven sets. Is Diamond / Pearl, Platinum, or Gold Heart / Perl? What do I do with it ... Overall, the Pokemon sprites do you like best? Be sure to check out my opponents. You'll be glad you did!: Take a look at my other channel, where I currently play through a Pokemon Fire Red: doing whatever, rate, subscribe and leave a comment. ... Pokemon Diamond Pearl Platinum Gold Silver Heart Soul hg ss HGSS dp dpp ...

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Pokemon Challenge: Secrets Episode 3

[Pokemon Fire Red Hack] Pokemon Challenge Season 1 Episode 3 Will Rocket will be in trouble with the team. Hopefully nothing bad happens. Enjoy! Comment, Rate and Subscribe Please! CREDITS and DISCLAIMER: I do not own Pokemon or the respective tracks, which are owned by Nintendo, Game Freak, Creatures Inc., and the Pokemon Company. I am not affiliated with these companies in any way. Song Credits (In order): Game Freak Logo - Game Freak G / S Game Corner Remix - PokeRemixStudio "It's on" - Super ...

nintendo-ds-top-games low-car-insurance-rate-mortgage fire red pokemon

Sunday, 8 November 2009

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Pokemon FireRed Episode 19 Rocket Race

In this episode of his time in the fight against Team Rocket begin under the Game Corner Current Team Adam's Charizard Lv.38 Pidgeot Lv.38 Raticate Lv.38 Pikachu Lv.37 Gyarados Lv.37 Nidorina Lv.31

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Hacking The Fire Red TitleScreen

in working on a video for much better, ppl dont understand this vid Best Watched in HD and full screen. UPDATED LINKS! =========================== VBA (Visual Boy Advance) PTC (Professional TileMap Creator) APE (extended range Editor) APE (with bookmarks) FSF (Free Space Finder) Hacked unLZ-GBA Everything in u dont understand me at or ...

fire red pokemon leaf green pokemon pokemon battle

Thursday, 5 November 2009

Multiplayer Games - Played by Millions

Games that can be played by more than one person at a time via the Internet as a multi-player games are called. These are games that the maximum number of players in any gaming website has. There are many genres of these online multiplayer games. These genres can be sports, action, strategy, simulation and racing. There are games to give the feeling of joy and happiness, while some of them are more successful in raising the adrenaline level of the player. TheseGames are very addictive and can be out of the game rooms that are full at any time of day to see. These games are played by people all over the world and are either in the early morning hours or in the quiet hours of the night when everyone else plays around her bed.

Genres are a lot of these games. The person who receives the maximum number of hits, is sports. Online multiplayer games like pool and chess are the most widely played and there are numerousSites that have their own version of these games. These games have players from all over the world play in simple versions as well as competitions, contribute cash to the men. Multiplayer games are so popular that an American Indian with a game of pool if the current time can be in their places in America, midnight and morning in India may be playing.

There are also some multiplayer games that are so popular that all sites will get in this game just launched. Therefore, there isOnline sites are combat flight simulator based either on air or fly to just. The user can thus fly combat aircraft ranging from the classic Supermarine Spitfire, the Hawker Hunter. You can include sub-missions in real time and thus armchair pilots flying at speeds greater than the speed of sound and fire rockets and bombs to destroy targets. Therefore, a player in a dogfight with a German Focke-Wulf FW 190 with his Spitfire engage in a WW II Multiplayer SimulationGame.

Therefore, the world of multiplayer games and a fantastic world, which is about the change with newer games start over again everyday. These games are so popular with people in any part of the world and of belonging to a nationality. That is why French to play with the Greeks and Indians go to competitions with the Europeans. Figures such as Julius Caesar, nor war on Gaul and Manfred von Richthofen in his red still flying combat aircraft.

nintendo-ds-top-games pokemon battle

Pokemon FireRed Adventure Episode 11

Almost done with the mountain. Moon

pokemon cards leaf green pokemon

Tuesday, 3 November 2009

Killer Nacho's Fire Red Playthrough Part 2: "Viridian Forest Expedition"

So we now have the dreaded Viridian Forest. Frankly, I thought I would get poisoned a lot more than I did, I've had pretty good luck this time around. Although my Pokemon's weak performance, halfway ... oh well. Enjoy wandering through Viridian Forrest! ... God, I hate fighting Weedle. Next video is probably the first Gym, Brock. Stay tuned. My main channel: rate, comment and subscribe.

what-is-private-insurance-mortgage samsung-verizon-camera-cell-phone

Monday, 2 November 2009

Pokemon Fire Red Walkthrough Part 22

Saffron City Gym (Psychic type) to obtain TM calm mind and the 5th Gym Badge. With the growing Poke Flute Snorlax. Route 16 (cycling road) Part 1


Episode 142: Upgraded Elite 4: Lorelei & Bruno

We are fighting against the updated E4 Enjoy! Pokemon Fire Red walkthrough FR LG firered leaf green ... Pokemon Fire Red Leaf Green Emerald walkthrough FR LG Playthrough Kanto League Sevii islands Elite PKM Diamond

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Sunday, 1 November 2009

Wi-Fi Battle #297 (Killer Nacho v Gr33n)

not enough to give me the victory? Inform yourself! Also leave a comment, whether you prefer Macs or PCs ... a strong debate in this century. Take a look at my other channel, where I currently play through a Pokemon Fire Red: doing whatever, rate, subscribe and leave a comment. ... Pokemon Pearl Diamond Platinum Gold Silver Heart Soul hg ss HGSS dpp dp wifi battle zeal killer nacho thekillernacho Gr33n Gengar Metagross swampert Shaymin rhyperior Vaporeon raichu Scizor Snorlax Zapdos ...

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