Now, do not show me the blame for the no limit for those bad poker, grow stale Pokemon and Dragon Ball Z cartoons that challenge even moss on them, Britney Spears songs, or Hillary Duff's big teeth. Some may think I had a hand in rigging Clay Aiken to win American Idol show, but I have more taste than that.
So you have to guess who I am yet? But if you meet me some courtesy. Have some sympathy and some taste and get all your well-learned politesse.
From what you read about me admit that I deserve none. But when was the last time you ever talk about someone with me. I mean, you have now prozac for men. Back in the day she had enough material from Moses to the firm a fee system reflected rhino in heat.
For most of the Jews, the book opened to all future prophet in 586 BC after the destruction of the First Temple. They look for just released and writes in this book were hard done thenAll by hand. The Bible is a thick book helped that many small people above the steering wheel and get a lot of small children closer to their Cheerios. Imagine writing about and about with a duck feather? Now that all is in front of the New Testament strictly Torah.
Yes, you guessed it! It's me God. The YHVH. The LORD or Jehovah for their Germans. I am what I am. But I have not figured out that whole thing even Popeye. Odin need some reference?
Well, if you were a teenager,did not you do some stupid things. Granted, my Terrible Twos had a few different episodes, floods and all, but I learned. There are reasons why teenage pregnancies is a bad thing! Come on you really think I've tried to keep you in the dark, I planned for you to get Apple.
But you had to be earned. You ever tried to hide the cookie jar in the refrigerator? Or even better, someone to hide it on you? Now is not that cookies taste better then. Remember all the funof underage drinking and sex before marriage? Hmmm ... Tricky!
W hen you do not deserve to be freedom and self-determination, they would of let it go long ago. But I still question America, they left it like hotcakes. You like my old self love. The terrible Father in heaven, the rules, fear and control. And great propaganda.
Jesus is asked to remember that in Latin heretics those who mean to see with their own eyes. Blue States Rule in a world with not much choicethough.
Now back to my story ...
Yes, I pick some real losers. I connected with them, because for most of what I had. In my image.
It was the event of Noah, a drunk, but who would blame him. I begged him to save his own skin and let the rest of the world around screaming at him. Then some can call me to account for the great wealth Abraham benefited from his cowardice before collecting enamored Kings. In fact, it was all Saharah work. Then, thethroughout the Middle East problem, because the contraceptive drug I gave it to them by the Kings made it to protect bars for eighty years. Regard! Or for giving so generously Hagar functions. Bathsheba, or for that matter. But it still does not justify, I put my glory to David after Saul, pressing closer to death or the sending of Uriah. This was the first separation of the Red Sea, saw you break through all the soldiers and it should on its own with only the chirping of cricketsaccompanied him in the face of the enemy. Silenced even the crickets after they realized what had happened and the night back. The only way he could Bathsheba Nookie. So I had some problem, sue me.
You've probably win, which we never had much here of a defensive team.
But, but, rather, that all old news is .... I told you one after the flood arches, how about throwing the old man a bone. Can we forget about the time of the Prophet and mythology and see what I am today?
Ihave been vacant for some time. But when the time does not exist for you.
It is hard to notice.
Thus, it is easier to get lost in themselves. Or away from it.
I've ben doing allot of them.
Well, what drew me was Job.
Lucifer tried to shine the light on my errors for centuries. So I could grow up and be happy, "he says. I think he was right.
But on the hand that had been with the job, I stacked the cards against him. Towards the end I ran out of ideas to make his lifemiserable so I have to throw empty pistachio shells on his head from the depths of the sky.
When asked whether he hate me for everything I have done.
He said no!
In fact, he loved me more.
Man, I had a hissi him fit! All Leviathan comment and all.
But it did wake me up.
Granted, I was a bit of a stupor. I think for you it was about four hundred years. Give or take a century. So, if Christ wished to atoneMe, you showed up on your doorstep, but I was not at home.
Do you know what I have done in the last fifty years, to keep them in your societies, in homelessnes, like insanity, intoxication, and companies. At first, because her image, how I felt about myself. But then, because I cared about them. I loved them and suffered with them. Unfortunately, they are only in heaven remain a short time, but they get the royal sitting on high altars. Karma cycle brings it back to try tobetter.
But it is not, you're it! You who abused or She turned her head from them. No one was innocent in Nazi Germany.
I should know. A group of Jews in Germany after the Holocaust took me to court and sentenced me to death before they went into the evening prayer.
Perhaps if I talked to some of the earlier to teach you to follow from my mistakes instead of learning them. For the Bible teaches us more than the Prince tyrants to rule.
But how to free the man only himselffrom the cycles of the AA meetings, I am entering healthy and balanced society. I am learning to see that the grays, which can in the middle of more than indifference. You might merit by a fire house in the center of the city. Or a house here, that matter.
So if you meet me some courtesy. Have some sympathy and some taste and get all your well-learned politesse. Because I learned allot!
In fact, I'm still learning!
You can create your own father.You have every right to call him so, but never hate him. We recognize it was worse than you have!
"Nietzsche believed, it might positive possibilities for humans without God. The absence of belief in God opens the way for the creative ability of people to develop fully. "...... "The realization that" God is dead "would be like a blank canvas. As this is an open sea can both exhilarating and terrifying. It would be a big responsibility, and Nietzsche thoughtmany would not cope. Most people on rules and authorities to tell them what to do about the value, how to live. The people who eventually learn to re-create their lives, will mark a new stage in human transformation.
It is widely believed that Nietzsche himself ', "proclaimed the" death of God ", but it should be recognized that in the Gay Science (The Gay Science), he put the words in my mouth a" madman "The.
In this passage, the man is describedcharacterized by a square, and cried: "God is dead God is dead!" He arouses amusement, nobody takes him seriously. Frustrated, suggests the madman's lantern on the ground and said that he has come too early: people can not see that they have killed God. He continues: "This tremendous event is still on the road to say, and on the go is, it's not yet reached ears of men. Lightning and thunder need time, need the light from stars takes time, deeds need time, even after they done toto see and hear. "
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